Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why You Don't Need A Mixer

I've had people ask me all the time do i need a mixer in my home recording studio the answer i always give people is ( Know ) and i will tell you why. People go out and they buy there huge mixers for like 100 of dollars and then they go home and they start to find out that this was a wast of money, and all tell you write now why its a wast of money to go out and buy a mixer for your home recording studio.

It tacks up so much room on your desk and then you have know place to work.
another reason why is why buy a mixer when your ( DAW ) in your recording software already has a mixer built into it .
Another reason why is cause your just going to be wasting so much money on something you don't need, when you could be saving that money on something that you could really use like a new microphone home studio could always use microphone if your recording live drums your going to have to have like 8 microphone 
So there are so many reasons out there why you don't need a mixer in your home recording studio I'm not going to go over all of them with you because there's to many but before you go out and buy something think to your self and say do i really need this, and while your at the studio looking at it think about the gear you already have at home and think if you already have something
At home that could do the same job, cause then you wont have to spend more money on something you don't need 
Cause buying a mixer it could be like 1200 dollars and buy not buying it you could save that 1200 dollars on something you really need 
So remember there a rule in home recording studio never get the gear you don't need, because you might already have something in your home recording studio that could do the same job.
Always be thinking before you do something in the studio 

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