Saturday, March 28, 2015

Never Set Your Faders Before Vocals

Hey everyone today i want to talk about setting your faders before you start to record your vocals, and setting your faders before your vocals is one of the worst thing's you can do because when we set our faders we want to get a good mix right so when we do that we bring out faders up so we can hear everything thats playing so we can hear the guitar the drums the bass everything. But then what happens is when you go to record your vocals and when you put those head phones on and you press record you cant hear your self sing because everything is to loud i mean sure you can turn everything down but then you just wasted so much time getting it to the right level you want your mix to be at. So the best thing to do before you mix anything in your song like, before you add any plugins any effects make sure your all done tracking everything first because you start to set your levels and add your plugins and effects because then in the end you'll have a great mix trust me. 

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