Hear are some of my best mixing answers for you guys on how to help your mixes come together a whole lot more easy and faster the first one is. Giving your mix head room and what do i mean by head room letting your mix breath making sure you can hear every instrument that you record. Because buy not letting your mix breath and have air its going to sound all muddy and flat and just sound bad that's not what we want right we want mixes that we can hear every instrument and that are going to blow us away we want our friend's to put on those headphone and be like wow this song is awesome i wish i could make music like this. So hears some tips you can do to give your mix more headroom turn down your fade rs in your mix by turning down your fade rs in your mix its not going to crowed up your mix buss and have your mix breath a lot better so there's one way you can give your mix headroom number 2. turn down your audio interface when you record stuff some of you guys are recording stuff to loud and what that's doing is crowding up your mix bus also and making your tracks sound all bad so keep your audio interface down. Another one is using a high pass filter on every single one of your tracks now i talked about this before on the blog about using a high pass filter on all your tracks but not your kick drum and your bass guitar leave those black. Buy add a high pass filter to all your tracks besides your kick drum and your bass guitar your kick drum and bass guitar are going to pop through the mix even more and that's what you want to hear. Let me talk about guitars for a bit we all want our guitars in our mix to pop and punch through our mix but we just don't know how to get there well hears some good tips that will help number one using a high pass filter starting at 100Hz if 100Hz is not enough bring it up to 200Hz the highest you should go is about 400Hz for an acoustic guitar know higher then that that will tack out a lot of the low end and you will be able to hear a lot more of your instruments in your mix. Because guitar load up so much in our mix that there sometimes hard to control so that's why using a high pass filter and compression and all those plug ins to keep them under control should help. Hears another good tip for you if you record in stereo that needs to end because that's another way to fill up your mix but and to build up head room in your room make sure your starting to record in mono tracks so that you can mix a lot easy er
I hope these tips and tricks helped you if you have any other questions for you about mixing and audio please email me my email is at the top of the page thank you and go out and make some great music and use these tips and tracks i've been teaching you enjoy guys.
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