So i got a message today from one of my friends who is getting into the recording stage of setting up his recording studio and he bought all this gear and he called me over because it was time for him to hang his acoustic treatment on the walls, but he had know clue where to put it. So he asked me is there a right spot to put acoustic panels, and i said yes. So what i was telling him is your desk that you work at needs to be centered in the middle of the room and then you need to hang your first acoustic panel where the first sound wave is going to hit the wall.
So what i did is i showed him a great trick and this trick will help for everyone so all you singer and song writers and producers out there who are making music this will help you.
Take a merre move it along the wall until you see the first cone of the speaker in the merer and then thats where your going to put your first acoustic panel on the wall, and then do the same thing for the other side of the room. It will always help your room by putting bass traps in the corners of the room behind the speakers so that bass sound dose not build up in the corners of the room. Because then when your going to be hearing in your speakers is just a muddy mess of noise its not that song you want to hear
But hanging acoustic treatment you don't need a lot of it because your not trying to kill the sound in the room you just want to control it so putting up to much acoustic treatment can be bad for your room.
And don't just put up treatment because it looks cool you have to have a reason for it i mean you may have a room that you don't need acoustic treatment you may have a room that dose not have windows it only has wall to wall carpet and thats great
If you have that stand in the middle of your room and clap your hands loud if you hear a ring you might just need like 2 or 3 acoustic panels or you might not need any because the carpet it doing all the work.
The other thing i want to talk about is acoustic treatment is not sound proofing i"v had people come up to me and asked is acoustic treatment sound proofing then answer is know the only thing acoustic treatment is doing is keep the sound from bouncing around the room. The acoustic treatment is not stoping the other sounds that are coming in from the outside of the room
So ask your working in your home recording studio
Hears tow things your going to have to deal with
Your going to have to learn your room and the way it works
And your going to have to learn how to set it up the right way so you get the best sound out of it
I hope all this information helped you all on how acoustic treatment is importing in your home recording studio and if you have any more questions on acoustic treatment please email me or questions on anything els please fell free to ask me those questions to
And keep coming back to united productions . com for more updates on home recording
Enjoy the website
Ryan Hudak
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