Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What You Need In Your Home Studio

There are a few things you need in your home recording studio, but the number one thing to remember is having a lot of gear dose not make your recording studio better keeping it simple can make your music sound just as good as the pros. 
But hear are a few things you need in your home recording studio number one a computer number 2 a daw witch is a recording software for those of you don't know, number 3 a audio interface number 4 a microphone number 5 a instrument and number 6 studio monitor speaker and that's really all you need in a home recording studio. So what I'm trying to let you guys know that you don't need a big home recording studio keep it simple and you can just make music like the pros with just simple Equitment in your studio 
Hope this information helped you if you have any more questions about what you should buy for your home recording studio please email me anytime and fell free to email me anytime and I will get back to you as soon as I can 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Never Set Your Faders Before Vocals

Hey everyone today i want to talk about setting your faders before you start to record your vocals, and setting your faders before your vocals is one of the worst thing's you can do because when we set our faders we want to get a good mix right so when we do that we bring out faders up so we can hear everything thats playing so we can hear the guitar the drums the bass everything. But then what happens is when you go to record your vocals and when you put those head phones on and you press record you cant hear your self sing because everything is to loud i mean sure you can turn everything down but then you just wasted so much time getting it to the right level you want your mix to be at. So the best thing to do before you mix anything in your song like, before you add any plugins any effects make sure your all done tracking everything first because you start to set your levels and add your plugins and effects because then in the end you'll have a great mix trust me. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Acoustic Treatment

So i got a message today from one of my friends who is getting into the recording stage of setting up his recording studio and he bought all this gear and he called me over because it was time for him to hang his acoustic treatment on the walls, but he had know clue where to put it. So he asked me is there a right spot to put acoustic panels, and i said yes. So what i was telling him is your desk that you work at needs to be centered in the middle of the room and then you need to hang your first acoustic panel where the first sound wave is going to hit the wall. 
So what i did is i showed him a great trick and this trick will help for everyone so all you singer and song writers and producers out there who are making music this will help you.
Take a merre move it along the wall until you see the first cone of the speaker in the merer and then thats where your going to put your first acoustic panel on the wall, and then do the same thing for the other side of the room. It will always help your room by putting bass traps in the corners of the room behind the speakers so that bass sound dose not build up in the corners of the room. Because then when your going to be hearing in your speakers is just a muddy mess of noise its not that song you want to hear 
But hanging acoustic treatment you don't need a lot of it because your not trying to kill the sound in the room you just want to control it so putting up to much acoustic treatment can be bad for your room.
And don't just put up treatment because it looks cool you have to have a reason for it i mean you may have a room that you don't need acoustic treatment you may have a room that dose not have windows it only has wall to wall carpet and thats great 
If you have that stand in the middle of your room and clap your hands loud if you hear a ring you might just need like 2 or 3 acoustic panels or you might not need any because the carpet it doing all the work. 

The other thing i want to talk about is acoustic treatment is not sound proofing i"v had people come up to me and asked is acoustic treatment sound proofing then answer is know the only thing acoustic treatment is doing is keep the sound from bouncing around the room. The acoustic treatment is not stoping the other sounds that are coming in from the outside of the room 
So ask your working in your home recording studio 
Hears tow things your going to have to deal with 

Your going to have to learn your room and the way it works
And your going to have to learn how to set it up the right way so you get the best sound out of it 

I hope all this information helped you all on how acoustic treatment is importing in your home recording studio and if you have any more questions on acoustic treatment please email me or questions on anything els please fell free to ask me those questions to 
And keep coming back to united productions . com for more updates on home recording 
Enjoy the website 
Ryan Hudak

Monday, March 23, 2015

Using Compression With Electric Guitars

Hey guys i just want to give you a quick tip on using compression on electric guitars, I'm going to give you a great setting you can set your compression plugin to, to compress your electric guitars. This compression setting i fell will help your electric guitars come forward. 

* Threshold - 17.1 dB
* Ratio 3.0:1
* Attack 16.9 ms
* Release 210.5 ms
* Gain 4.0 dB

The Wonderful Life Of Song Writing

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Right Mix

I mean all you Musicians out there who have home recording studios your always looking for the best mix, but let me tell you write now in a home recording studio there's know such thing as the best mix because in a home recording studio there's always going to be something your going to have to face. It could be your room the way it's set up, it could be tow many windows in your room and the sound is bouncing all around in there, It could be you have your studio tucked back in a counre and thats the last place you want your studio to be. So there's a lot of reasons why you can get the right mix in your home recording studio. 

Now i know you want your music to sound like the pros but the thing is the pros have a studio thats acoustic treated & sound proof and the room there in is built and made for recording in a house like the houses we live in there not acoustic treated but you can acoustic treat it your self and i do say you go out and buy some acoustic treatment for your studio because it dose help, But what i was say it our homes that we live in are not sound proof there not acoustic treated, so those are all the things your going to have to work around your going to have to learn your room and learn how to work in it. The number thing you can fix is by buying some acoustic treatment and putting it up on the wall i do say you should go out and buy some cause its helpful and it will bring down a lot of the echo 

Friday, March 20, 2015

How You Should Save Your Money In Your Studio

Before you start to buy anything of any kind of equipment for your recording studio you need to set a budget on how much you want to spend on the studio. After you have your budget down you want to think witch room will I be building my recording studio in and will the equipment I buy fit in hear, and also will all my equipment fit on my desk. So there's some things you need to think about before you go out and buy all this stuff he's a good tip for all you producers out there who are just getting into the recording stage of recording your home music. Stick with buying the little equipment you don't have to go big, because big dose not always mean better so if stick with the little equipment you will be find then. I mean I've been recording and producing music for about 10 years now and I still use like a audio interface with only 2 inputs on it and it works on great.
But if your planning on recording drums 
The go a little bigger make sure you buy a audio interface that has 8 inputs so that you have a input for each drum. So stick with buying little equipment before its a great way to save money unless your recording drums then that's another story 
Cause people think you need to go out and buy all this great big equipment know don't listen to those people I mean I was at that point once there and I learned that if you just start small you'll be find because some of the world top producers still are using till this day the littlest Equitment to make amazing music 
And the other thing is when you get to the store don't go crazy shopping like picking up the littlest things and going home and making music because that's another way to wast money stick to what I told you and you'll be find start small 

So I hope this review helped you on what Equitment you should buy and how you should save money 

Have a good day 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why You Don't Need A Mixer

I've had people ask me all the time do i need a mixer in my home recording studio the answer i always give people is ( Know ) and i will tell you why. People go out and they buy there huge mixers for like 100 of dollars and then they go home and they start to find out that this was a wast of money, and all tell you write now why its a wast of money to go out and buy a mixer for your home recording studio.

It tacks up so much room on your desk and then you have know place to work.
another reason why is why buy a mixer when your ( DAW ) in your recording software already has a mixer built into it .
Another reason why is cause your just going to be wasting so much money on something you don't need, when you could be saving that money on something that you could really use like a new microphone home studio could always use microphone if your recording live drums your going to have to have like 8 microphone 
So there are so many reasons out there why you don't need a mixer in your home recording studio I'm not going to go over all of them with you because there's to many but before you go out and buy something think to your self and say do i really need this, and while your at the studio looking at it think about the gear you already have at home and think if you already have something
At home that could do the same job, cause then you wont have to spend more money on something you don't need 
Cause buying a mixer it could be like 1200 dollars and buy not buying it you could save that 1200 dollars on something you really need 
So remember there a rule in home recording studio never get the gear you don't need, because you might already have something in your home recording studio that could do the same job.
Always be thinking before you do something in the studio 

What You Need In Your Home Recording Studio

Hi everyone today i want to talk about what you need and what you don't need in your home studio. These days people are making the most amazing music with only the littlest gear, I mean you could just have a audio interface a guitar and a few plugins and your music can turn out great. So let me tell you some of the stuff you need to have in your home recording studio, and i will also tell you some of the stuff you don't need. Because people are going out and there buying all this gear that they think they need, and then they go home and sometimes they don't know have to hook it up, or they don't know how to use it. 
So hears some gear that you really only need in your home recording studio 

1 * Computer 
2 * Audio Interface 
3 * DAW 
4 * Instrument 
5 * Microphone 

5 things thats really all you need to get up and running for a home recording studio pretty simple right 
I mean the computer it dose not matter what kind of computer you use. I mean people say stuff like, all you need to get a mac computer there the best way to go, know don't listen to those people i mean i use a Pc in my home recording studio and its working out great so the Typ of computer dose not matter.

Also the audio interface it dose not matter what kind you get, but what dose matter is you want to get one that can run the equitment you have so that means if you have a Condenser Microphone then that means your going to have to get a audio interface that has 48V phantom Power. Because condenser microphone can only run on 48V phantom power. So when you buy your interface make sure you ask these questions or if you by it online make sure you do your research on it first.

Your Recording software another name they call it is called a ( DAW ) 
You want to get a software that you fell thats going to work for you and you fell its doing what you need it to do for the kind of recording your doing 
So again make sure your doing your research on that also and make sure you ask around see if people are using the same DAW ask them questions about, and if they are using the same one maybe they can teach you stuff about it 

Instrument it dose not matter what instrument you play as long it can hook into your audio interface or you can play it through your microphone 

And last one microphone now there's all kinds of microphone out there there's ( Condenser ) like we talk about before on how it has to run on 48V Phantom power. There's also ( Dynamic ) Witch you can just hook right into your interface it dose not need 48V Phantom power and there is so much more to chose from so do your research and find the one that fits you the best

I will be posting something tomorrow about how you should spend your money in a home recording studio and how you should save it